Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Imperial War Museum.

Made a quick visit to the Imperial War Museum in London on Monday. Very informative and interesting day out. Took a few (not particularly good) pictures and thought these ones specifically would be of interest to the VBCW player...

The BUF Uniform.

A Thompson SMG and a couple of Mauser C96 Pistols.

A typical LDV Uniform.

The Standard British Infantry Uniform.

A couple of vehicles from WW1 that may be suitable for VBCW. Note the 'Battle Bus' in the background!


  1. Wonderful inspiration there chap, thanks!

  2. Nice photos, really like the last one.

  3. Yes, seeing pictures like that always makes me itch to start yet another projects :) but I mustn't. Is that the museum in Bovington ?

  4. Hi Rudy - no, its all from the WW2 part of the Imperial War Museum. Well worth a look! I still have my BUF unit of about 30 troops, part based but still waiting to be undercoated. One day I will get back to the VBCW project!
